Join the queenie community!!

Hi Queenie, welcome to my community of creatives & friends on their self-discovery journey! I am so excited to have you here! 💖

I've wanted to create a space for all my self-discovery girlies to gather round and share helpful tips, stories, and experiences while also being able to provide all my queenies with support through happy words, little chit chats, and colourful items to use everyday!

BlushedDesigns is my lil baby and I have been the one-woman show behind this business for nearly 3 years now (3 years in August IK CRAZY)! If you've been following along on Insta or Youtube you would know that at BDC we LOVE all things groovy and colourful, I'm definitely a 70s baby at heart LOL.

Based on which tier you choose to subscribe to you will get different perks that range from digital downloads to help you discover who YOU are to exclusive goodies just for my patreon gal pals! You can read the perks of each tier before subscribing to pick the one that best suits you!

Supporting my page over on Patreon would help me in creating more products that align with our values and directly help you along your self-discovery journey, and you get some cute goodies each month as a thank you for being such a queen!

Thank you for being here, pls don't forget to be kind to yourself today 💖